Saturday, February 6, 2010

What Kind of Knee Brace Do I Need? - How To Figure Out Which Support You Require

Have you ever asked yourself, "What Kind of Knee Brace Do I Need?"

That is a very good question. Let's help you determine which brace is best for you.

There are many different kinds of knee braces available. There are also a lot of different manufacturers. This is good and bad, of course. The good thing is that you have options, and the bad thing is that you may have so many options that you lose your way in the knee brace "forest". DonJoy is the brand name we have come to trust.

This free article will discuss knee support benefits, and it will also help you to determine, for yourself, which style of knee support might best suit your needs. So, let's get down to business...

1.) First Qualify Your Pain & Current Instability Levels

Basically you will find that knee braces are broken down into categories. Usually, they are for mild, moderate or severe knee problems. Ok, so what is a knee problem? You are the first person (in the majority of cases) to know if you have a knee problem or not. Pain is a sign that something is wrong for most people.

If pain is a sign that something is wrong, then take a moment and rate your pain on a scale of 1-10. Ten would be the most severe on this scale. - Of course, your pain may vary, but it is a very good idea not to sugar coat anything here. Think of those moments that your pain is the most severe and rate the discomfort on the subjective scale that we spoke of. As a result you will see that a 5 is moderate knee pain, etc. - Follow the same outline with your current knee instability. You will find that sometimes your pain and instability do not match, that does not mean you are doing anything wrong in your analysis. Again, think of those times when your knee feels the most severely unstable. After you have thought of this, then record your answer.

A physician's diagnosis of your knee problem will also be helpful information for you to have.

2.) Determining Which Knee Brace is Best For You

If you have a mild knee problem, then you will probably want to look at elastic style knee braces. They can come in two different styles. One is called a "knee sleeve" and one is a "wrap around" style. Usually elastic knee braces have an opening for your knee cap. They can provide soft compression to your leg and will serve as a reminder for you not to make certain movements that will hurt you. Many people will say that a little extra support from these kinds of braces will help reduce your knee pain almost the instant they put them on! Seriously....

Elastic is usually made from drytex or neoprene. Neoprene is more commonly used, but many people will actually tell us that drytex is more breathable when it comes to elastic materials. Also, remember, if you have a serious knee problem, you do not want to just go with an elastic knee support, you will want to read the next section if your knee issues are above a mild level.

Moderate to severe knee problems usually require a knee support with hinges. Hinges are not bad. Nor, do they have to be really big and bulky in order to be effective for you. The hinge is usually on both sides of your knee and there are uprights attached to the hinge mechanism. This will help to stop excessive movements for your knee. Excessive movements can cause pain or increased instability when you already have a moderate or severe knee problem. Typically the "movements" that we are talking about are front to back, or side to side movements that can really send your knee pain soaring!

(*This is health information. Seek your physician for medicl advice.)

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Should I Just Rest Your Knee, or Get A Knee Brace To Help You?

Should I Buy A Knee Brace, or Should I Just Rest My Knee Instead?

Awesome quesiton. Let's explore this topic a little further...

If you are on the fence about getting a knee support you may ask yourself : "Should I just rest my knee instead of getting a brace?"

1.) Benefits of Not Getting A Knee Brace

Money : One of the benefits of not purchasing a knee brace is that you will not have to spend any money. The phrase : "a penny saved is a penny earned" might apply to this situation...In these times, people need to watch how they spend and we can definitely understand how you could feel about spending. - This is one benefit of not getting a knee brace.

Clothes & A Knee Support : Another might be that you will never have to worry about a support not working out with your suit. Sometimes, depending on the knee braces, you will have to obviously put something on your leg which takes up some space. If you wear very form fitted clothes, then you might not be able to constantly wear a knee brace. There is bound to be one instance where it will not flow seamlessly with a really tight pair of jeans for example.

2.) The Benefits of Getting a Knee Brace

Money : It sounds interesting that the same topic will come up in both categories, right? You may wonder : "Is there something funny going on here?. Well, the way we see it is that a knee support can really help you to save money as well! Sure, there is no getting around it, you will have to spend some money up front, but when you compare the cost of a knee brace to that of surgery, a knee support looks great!!!. Supports can really promote an environment in which you are allowed to heal more, and although rest is great for that, you will have to move at some point. When you have to move, you are putting more pressure on the knee and leg and this can be stressful. The extra stabilization for your knee and leg can really go a great distance for you and allow you to heal more rapidly, and in many circumstances help you avoid going down a path to surgery.

Pain Reduction : Besides simply helping you to heal internally, a knee brace is great for other reasons. One of these reasons is pain relief. When you control excessive movements at the knee, you can greatly reduce discomfort. You might be thinking, "I will just really be careful and if I am careful enough with my knee when I walk, then it will heal and I will not need to get any support for my leg." This would probably be true; maybe 90%.of the time. But, what about those instances where you accidentally forgot and now your knee pain shot up again because a person forgot one time!? - This is the value of a well designed knee support. One that is on your leg and provides enough support, will never forget to do its job. You will be able to walk around with more confidence knowing that it will not forget about you. The meaningful support it provides can greatly cut down on your pain levels, in many cases, the moment you put the support on!... If you need extra proof, just ask anyone on the street why they wear theirs and you will probably hear pain relief as one of their top reasons.

1.) Pain Relief
2.) Improved Stability & Knee Protection
3.) Improved Confidence - Because your knee will feel much more stable.

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What Are The Costs Involved In Getting A Knee Brace? Learn How To Save Money on Discount Braces

The Cost of a Knee Brace

Is a knee brace really worth the cost?

Do people really benefit from knee supports, or are they a waste of money?

Introduction: Let's get real here, are knee braces worth the money their cost? Do they really help people? These days, most people do not want to be wasting any of their hard earned money, and this includes purchasing the wrong knee support. We can definitely understand where you are coming from. This free information will illustrate the "costs" of knee braces, in more ways than one. The cost can be measured in dollars and cents and can also be measured in other ways as well. For example, what is the cost of not using a knee brace for your knee problem? We will discuss all of these things and you will learn something here that will help you when it comes to getting a knee brace, or not...

A.) Dollars & Cents Measure

Of course, there are many different styles of knee supports, so you can figure that many of them will vary in price. You can assume knee braces are like other products in this manner. Usually, you can find a very well designed knee brace on the internet, and the prices can range from $34.95 up to $500-$600. To some people this may seem like some serious cash, but these prices are actually 1/3 the cost of your typical brace vendor in town. Sometimes, custom knee braces can run up to $1500 or more, and many times you do not need a custom brace. Many off the shelf designs are extremely successful in adding support and have proven to help the majority of people who need effective support.

B.) Physical & Emotional Costs of Knee Braces

Many people worry that a knee support will totally limit the way they move their leg. They worry that it will be heavy and are concerned that they will just be a burden emotionally as well. It is true that a knee brace does have weight, and in certain instances it will prevent their leg from moving into excess movements. - But when you have a minor or severe knee injury, you will not always want to move your knee every which way... It is in these moments that a knee brace will help to control excessive and painful movements, that your knee can actually begin to heal itself.

Many other people will tell us that they love their knee brace because it helped them to avoid having surgery. This does not happen in every situation, but many people will come back to tell us how their knee support was the major thing that staved off the need for a surgical procedure. When you think about it, and you compare the cost of a knee brace to the cost of surgery, most people would rather purchase the knee brace because it is much much cheaper!

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